Your life matters. Our lives matter. A small group of young and lively fighters under the name 'Raise Your Voice' are on a mission to reveal the truth when it comes to America. Don't fall victim to group thought. Your needs are your needs. Bullshit runs amuck in the society of the digital age, but that doesn't mean you need to be a sheep. We want to expose the truth. Our country has always been great. Don't let the media change your mind. Join us on our mission to uncover what's real when it comes to the riots and uprisings. Join us on our protests to fight for #WhiteLives #BlueLives and the lives of those who aren't trying to change the narrative. We are leaders together. We are free together. - We expose truth the leftists love to manipulate for media - We organize efforts that show the RIGHT way to protest for your needs. the AMERICAN way. - We offer merch for #YourLifeMatters Donate Now: $RaiseYourVoice